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OEL Bylaws

Order of Eternal Light - Bylaws

Temple Head: High Priest Leland Davis R.M.T. 


Disclaimer: “Please note that the order of the bylaws will not determine it’s importance and may not be used to override any other bylaw.  If there is a conflict with any rule then a majority vote of the elders may be needed to be completed for clarification.”.




"To be apart of something that will positively change you and your community forever."



"The Order of Eternal Light is a white magic coven. It is my desire to see this coven grow to assist the community in which it resides. Our goals are to heal the sick, assist others in need, teach those who are interested in the faith, protect the innocent, and to help our community grow and flourish. The world is a dark place, but we all have a mission in life. That mission varies from person to person, but one thing does remain the same and that is to (live and let live). There may be class fees adjoined to classes to cover the cost of classes and supplies.  The cost of classes may vary from class to class.  We do declare ourselves as a religion. We also accept donations and gifts. It is also my desire that this coven will have no maximum cap on how many people we will accept into this coven unlike many covens that are out there. We are all in this world together so we might as well learn what we can while we are here to make our lives better." 

This is a very simple statement which hopefully no one can confuse: 

1) To help all others in need, if able such as Spiritual Guidance Counseling, Teaching of the Wiccan way, Individual learning opportunity, Mental and Physical Health recommendations for assistance.

2) To affect the world in a positive way in such a way that it will be noticed globally.

3) To have a coven which consist of members who only use the white arts.  (We base good and bad based on intent.)  If your intent is bad/evil, hurts another human being or animal or take anyway from someone else so that you may have something or infringes on free will then is considered Black Magick. White Magick is the intent to help or heal another person, animal or does not harm any living thing,” an harm none, do what ye will.”

5) For this group to be a true family.


***NOTE: The OEL defines Warlock not as "a male witch" but by the old definition which means "Betrayer of one's coven."***


The Order of Eternal Light is located online and has live groups. These are our Bylaws:



1. The Order of Eternal Light was founded to provide teaching, worship opportunities, outreach, and services for members on a local and international distance basis.

1.1. The membership of The Order of Eternal Light and is dedicated to the advancement of metaphysical spirituality and teachings, particularly, though not exclusively, those of the general Wicca tradition.

1.2. The Order of Eternal Light will hold physical or online rituals in recognition of the cycles of nature, to honor individual rites of passage, for worship of Deity, for all Wiccan and for other special occasions deemed appropriate.

1.3. The Order of Eternal Light will offer teaching in Wicca, Metaphysics, healing, Reiki, and other topics of interest to members of The Order of Eternal Light.

1.4. The Order of Eternal Light members will strive to do good works within their communities, to educate the public, and to serve as positive representatives of The Order of Eternal Light and all affiliated organizations, at all times. 


2. Qualifications for The Order of Eternal Light Membership.

2.1. Membership for The Order of Eternal Light is by invitation only and may be offered to qualified individuals upon the completion of an interview conducted either by the High Priest and/or Elders.  

2.1.1. All new members, not apart of the apprentice program, will be screened by the High Priest and Elders to determine if the applicant is a good fit to the current group.  This is subject to a majority vote of the Elders.

2.1.2. Like all religions and faiths there are costs that come with that organization.  It is for this reason the OEL will charge membership dues to cover class materials, ritual supplies, videos, building costs (if applicable) and other training materials.  Paying your dues gives you voting rights within the OEL in the 1/3 voting process and allows the organization to function.  We don’t believe tithing 20% your entire income like most faiths.  We do, however, ask members ages 16+ to pay a $20 membership due and any member under the age of 16 pays a $10 membership due.  Members ages 8-12 do not have member dues but this does not include member dues if they join the Spiral Scouts.

2.1.3. The OEL will often do potlucks during classes and rituals and we ask everyone participate to ensure there is enough for everyone.  

2.1.4. All classes must be attended to attend the next class and everyone gets three makeups classes a year. Demerits will be given by not scheduling makeup-classes since that person will not be able to attend the future classes and will count as an unexcused absence.  After that, makeups will cost extra. For elders they will pay a regular membership due and regular members will pay double the membership due for makeup classes after the third makeup class. This is due to the time and effort that I must plan and exert for doing multiple classes. The extra money will be payable to the one doing the class for their time and effort.  Exceptions will be made based on missed classes based on an emergency situation, illness or other approved situations.

2.1.5. Non-members or non-elders may choose take the classes they wish at the cost of twice the cost of the regular membership due.  Those "invited to attend at no cost" is an exception made by the High Priest/Priestess.

2.2. The Order of Eternal Light may, upon the recommendation of The High Priest or Elder/s may recognize a candidate's existing training and or degree from another school, church, or tradition, but is in no way bound to do so.  Should such a candidate be accepted for membership, The Order of Eternal Light is free to impose whatever additional requirements it may deem fit on an individual basis, such as remedial study, to bring the candidate in line with the full requirements of this online group and live classes.

2.3. No person shall be denied membership in The Order of Eternal Light and because of gender, race, ethnicity, disability, marital status, sexual preference, previous religious affiliation, political affiliation, or age (if they have attained the age of legal age of consent). Those who have not attained the age of legal consent may be considered for membership with the approval of their parents or guardians by signing the Parental Release Form, but we will not accept any member under the age of eight (8) for any reason.

2.4. Membership that is either pending or standing in The Order of Eternal Light is at the sole discretion of The Order of Eternal Light and may be terminated, suspended, or revoked at any time, for any reason and without prior notice.

2.5 The order of these Bylaws does not mean one rule is more important than another. This means the order of the Bylaws may not be used to override another Bylaw. 



3.1. There shall be two categories of membership in The Order of Eternal Light; members of the Inner Circle, and members of the Outer Circle. The Inner Circle shall be composed of Elders, and those who form its clergy and administrators, and are expected to maintain an active and on-going participation in the       Order of Eternal Light. Members of the Outer Circle shall be composed of initiate and non-initiate students of The Order of Eternal Light main group who are welcome to attend and take part in our functions.

3.2. Outer Circle Member: Persons who regularly post and visit the Order of Eternal Light Temple online and wish to maintain an official connection to The Order of Eternal Light and study with us, but who do not desire initiation into the clergy. Outer Circle Members may attend public events, though participation in certain events may be limited to members of the Inner Circle. Outer Circle status may be given or revoked upon the recommendation of The Order of Eternal Light Elders and breach of the rules of conduct.

3.3. Friends of the Temple: Persons who are not initiates of The Order of Eternal Light but who are welcome to attend Temple functions normally reserved to members. Friend of The Order of Eternal Light and status is by invitation only and may be given only upon the recommendation of The Order of Eternal Light Elders and Temple Head, High Priest Leland Davis.



4.1. Live Members - Live members are defined by those who live within proximity to The Order of Eternal Light and are available to attend most Temple events and activities as desired. Our live members represent the core membership of The Order of Eternal Light and often serve in leadership roles within The Order of Eternal Light and its community.

4.2. Distance Members - Distance members are defined by those members who live outside of the immediate vicinity of The Order of Eternal Light but are officially registered members of the Temple. Distance members remain connected to The Order of Eternal Light and through participation in our discussion groups and may study with us via distance education methods. Distance members are a vital part of The Order of Eternal Light and community and may attend Temple events. 



 5.1. All members shall conduct themselves in a manner which is always a credit or reflect positively upon The Order of Eternal Light both within and outside of the Temple.  This includes wearing their group t-shirts to all classes and all OEL hosted events.  The High Priest may also declare when it also required to wear their group t-shirt for various events.  Not doing so is subject to disciplinary action by majority vote of the Elders but not to be less severe than that equal to a tardy and no harsh than removal of membership status.

5.1.1. A member has 3 months upon joining the class to get their group t-shirt.  The group t-shirt must be 80% of the required color for their rank and have no other company logos or pictures.

5.1.2. Only the High Priest may give permission to a member to not to have to wear their group t-shirt to OEL classes and hosted events.  This consideration can be made on an individual basis if the High Priest feels there is a great enough concern to warrant such an action.

5.1.3. The colors of the group t-shirts are as follows:  The first year class is called Advanced Practioner and the shit is red, the second year class is called Metaphysical Expert and the shirt is orange, the third year class is called Grand Metaphysical Expert and the shirt is yellow, the forth year class is called Supreme Metaphysical Expert and the shirt is green, the fourth year class is called Priest/Priestess and the shirt is blue, the fifth-sixth year classes is called Apprentice 1&2   and the shirt is indigo (blueish purple), the seventh year class is called Master and the shirt is purple and finally the eighth year is where you get your PhD and shirt is white.  

5.1.4. The OEL understands you may have more knowledge and unofficial training than the rank you are in, but the ranks are for what knowledge you have proven you know via taking classes and passing required testing. 

5.2. Courteous and civil behavior toward other members of The Order of Eternal Light and visiting guests is a requirement of membership. It is the responsibility of all Temple members to ensure that new members and visiting guests are always made to feel welcome and comfortable at all events and. Any issues or concerns involving other members or guests should be brought to the attention of the High Priest and Elders promptly and privately and are not to be discussed elsewhere.

5.3. Children of Temple members and guests must always be supervised and must be removed from the area if presenting a distraction during rituals, classes, or events. It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to ensure that children attend only those events that they approve of and for which they are developmentally ready for.

5.4. Member privacy and temple business are to be kept strictly separate confidential and are not to be discussed with external parties without the consent of The High Priest and any members involved.

5.5. Tolerance and mutual respect for the beliefs, practices, and creeds or customs of other members and guests are required. Any discrimination based upon the gender, race, ethnicity, disability, marital status, sexual preference, beliefs, mannerisms, political affiliation, or age of members will not be tolerated.

5.6. Members are expected to fully support and cooperate with temple leaders and to comply with all policies, procedures, investigations, and directives always. Any issues or concerns should be brought to the attention of High Priest or Elder privately and not discussed elsewhere.

5.7. Members are expected to support, participate in, and assist with all temple events, classes, outreach, and fund-raising activities. The status of any member who is deemed to be participating unsatisfactorily shall be subject to review by The High Priest.ツ Exceptions will be made on an individual basis, such as disability.

5.8. The Order of Eternal Light has limited resources and what resources it does have must be utilized with care and discretion.  All funds spent must meet the Inner Circle determination and be signed off on by the either High Priest or Spirit Elder in addition to the Earth Elder and/or Treasurer.  Temple members are expected to assist by utilizing resources in an efficient and respectful manner. Unauthorized or frivolous use of temple resources is strictly prohibited and may be subject to disciplinary action, decreed by the Elders by majority vote which may include removal of said member from the OEL.

5.9. All attending live members are expected to assist in the upkeep, maintenance and safety of The Order of Eternal Light and facilities, grounds and property. The Order of Eternal Light is our collective home and we must all work together to keep things safe, well ordered, organized and running smoothly.  This is defined as to anywhere where classes, meetings and/or rituals are held.

5.10. All members and ex members must be very careful to avoid conflicts of interest regarding personal life issues which include past, present and future, real or perceived. All members must disclose all relevant factors that potentially could be a conflict of interest to The High Priest.  Conflicts of interest include situations that can occur when you are a member of another group, organization, or tradition; or when you have financial interests in an organization or group with whom The Order of Eternal Light and may do business. The Order of Eternal Light does not wish to prohibit you from being a member of multiple groups or traditions, or even accepting leadership roles within those groups. However, those situations must be fully disclosed to The High Priest, since it is possible that they may potentially become conflicts down the road. The following examples are not all inclusive!  For example, if you were to advise a current or prospective member to leave The Order of Eternal Light in favor of another group or tradition, this would be a conflict. If you were to advertise or market competing events or programs of other groups to temple members or at temple events, or via online postings, this would also be a conflict of interest. Sharing information related to temple operation, administration, programs, or activities with other groups without consent would be a conflict of interest. Other conflicts could include advocating that temple funds be expended for certain things without revealing that you have a financial interest in the companies being considered as vendors. Only select members of the OEL may conduct business with vendors.  Use your common sense, and if in doubt, ask The High Priest. All members have a duty to report their own ethical or professional misconduct and the misconduct of others to The High Priest immediately. If you are uncertain as to whether misconduct has occurred, consult with The High Priest or an Elder immediately! A member who serves in two covens must also be approved through the High Priest, due to conflict of interest. They must choose a home coven and that is the only coven which they may hold an office or title.  All vendors must also be approved through the High Priest, due to conflict of interest.

5.11. No illegal or harmful activities will be permitted or tolerated on temple premises or at temple events, or at any online meetings or online postings.  If this rule is broken then you will be asked to report before the Elders and High Priest.  You will then abide by their ruling on your membership status and/or meet any additional conditions set for continued membership.

5.12. Membership in The Order of Eternal Light may be suspended, terminated, or revoked at any time, for any reason, without prior notice at the sole discretion of the the High Priest/Priestess or Elders by majority vote.

5.12.1. If the member in question is an Elder, that Elder will not get a vote to determine if he/she should be suspended, terminated or revoked in their own case.  In addition to this, the Elder in question may not be notified of a meeting or voting session that is to determine if the Elder in question is to be suspended, terminated or revoked.  This is to keep down the drama if the misconduct is serious enough. A majority vote of remaining Elders is required to suspend, terminate or revoke that Elder's membership. If the Elder in question does not agree with the remaining majority vote of Elders, their peers, then he/she has 2 weeks, from the date of their suspension, termination or revoked membership, to submit, in writing to the High Priest, a request for a 1/3 vote to overturn this decision.  If an Elder is removed in this matter, a hand delivered letter must be given to them either by two members of the clergy or through the USPS (United States Postal Service) which requires a signature to be delivered.

5.13 Out of respect for other members and consideration of their feelings, if you have something negative to say you should first consider how you would feel if it was said to you then if you feel you should still say it then you should follow it up with two (2) positive things about that person.  If you cannot think of two (2) positive things about that person then you should consider holding off approaching that member with your remarks until you are able to do so.  Also consider that not all positive statements are equal to the negative one your about to unleash, so please be tactful! This will be helpful to maintain peace and connectivity among all members.

5.14 The spread of speculation on OEL members, drama, or rumors is prohibited, especially, if it is Unconfirmed and is a said she said situation.  You will find   yourself in the middle of something you wished you had avoided altogether.  All situations should be brought to either the High Priest or an Elder so it can be sorted out promptly.

5.15 Accepting bribes by those holding an office in the Order of Eternal Light is strictly prohibited and will meet with the Elders for disciplinary action via majority vote.  If the party/parties are found guilty their membership shall be revoked immediately.  If the party/parties attempt to reapply for membership within the OEL then their application will automatically be denied with no exception, for any reason, will be made.  The party/parties that are convicted, by the Elders, of bribery and do not agree with the Elders decision may call for an appeal via the 1/3 vote for a final decision. The appeal must be made within 2 weeks of the Elders decision.

5.16 All Elders and High Priest are required to be present at all meetings, rituals & classes for the Inner Circle, if any Elder or High Priest is unable to attend the  meeting, they may pass off the duty to their Elder Assistant, however, if an Elder misses more than 3 holidays/meetings in a year then he/she will subject to replacement or demerit via the 1/3 vote.  The Sabots of Beltane and Samhain are MANDATORY ATTENDANCE, starting in effect the year of 2016.  Valid exceptions include but are not limited to hospitalization, death in the family, injured, sick (with doctor’s excuse) or child in need of serious medical care or two weeks prior notification of prior commitment (such as work), then they must attend the mandatory sabots.  If an Elder misses the Mandatory sabots without proper notification or reasoning for as such ascribed above then they are to be subject to severe disciplinary action (one out of three penalties is to be selected by the High Priest) based upon the agreement of penalty by the majority of votes cast by The High Priest and Elders. 

5.17 Fraternization is prohibited from Elders and Elders and Elders and High Priest unless they are in a domestic partnership or married.  If anyone enters a domestic partnership or marriage, after already joining, it is required to notify all other Elders and High Priest.  If Fraternization occurs, and there is 1st hand proof such as: admitting to said issue, pictures, video recording, witness testimony, text messages, voicemails, Facebook messages, etc.  If this occurs then there will be a meeting of the remaining Elders and High Priest to review the evidence to determine if fraternization accrued.  The first offense will be a warning and any other offenses a demerit will be given a Demerit per proven act and voted by the 1/3 majority vote rule.

5.18 It is important that the High Priest and Elders have continuous access to each other and each member.  If an Elder or member blocks the High Priest/Priestess or an Elder without first contacting either the High Priest/Priestess or Spirit Elder then that person doing the blocking is, effectively, turning in their resignation form.  If that person holds an office we can't guarantee it won't be filled during the block.  If the blocker does come back and we accept them back and this problem is repeated again, when they leave they may not reapply for membership or an Elder position for up to  year.  Exceptions will be made on an individual basis and situation.



6.1. Confidential member information will not be disclosed by The Order of Eternal Light to outside parties without expressed concept of the member unless it is a possible life-threatening issue.

6.1.1. Whenever a member approaches a clergy member and says what they are talking about is private then that information must be kept private and confidential, even to other clergy members unless the information is about self harm, harming another or breaking a federal law.  Any clergy member that believes that a person will harm themselves, someone else or break a federal law needs to notify the High Priest.

6.2. Reasonable care will be taken to ensure the privacy of members, but the ultimate responsibility for maintaining member privacy must be understood to be on the member, not on The Order of Eternal Light. All members are discouraged from discussing group activities or about active members with outside parties, but members should take reasonable care with personal information and use common sense.

6.3. Members are expected to exercise discretion when discussing temple activities with those outside of The Order of Eternal Light and membership. While educational outreach is encouraged, disclosure of individual members information, or private temple activities or information is prohibited unless given permission from the High Priest. 

6.4. All information, communications, and materials discussed or presented at

temple meetings, events or class may not be given out which include disseminated by phone, email, internet, audio, video, photograph, document, or by any other method or in any other medium are considered legally privileged and confidential. You are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, duplication, discussion, or use of this information or these materials elsewhere is strictly prohibited by temple policy and by law where applicable.

6.5. Photographs and videos are often taken at temple functions to document events and for marketing, outreach, and documentation purposes and we often welcome members of the media to our events. Photography and video are permitted only by those authorized by The Order of Eternal Light’s High Priest and Elders who agree to our terms of usage and copyright.  Unauthorized photography, video or audio recording of our events and activities are not permitted and are the property of The Order of Eternal Light, where indicated by law. If you do not wish to be photographed please let the photographer know in advance. All photographs and videos are the property of The Order of Eternal Light and copyrighted by the individual photographer. You must agree to grant the unrestricted right and permission to use, re-use, publish, and republish photographic portraits, pictures, audio, or video of yourself or in which you may be included, or reproduction hereof, made through any and all media now or hereafter known for illustration, art, promotion, advertising, trade, or any other purpose whatsoever.                                 



 7.1. The Order of Eternal Light is not liable for any member’s/guest’s safety, conduct or belongings. The Order of Eternal Light cannot be held responsible for any non-sponsored events, activities, or gatherings.  We cannot keep track of everyone and their possession and thus we release that responsability                back to the members and their guests that are attending. Please use common sense!                                                                                      

7.2. Members are volunteers of The Order of Eternal Light. By joining The Order of Eternal Light you agree to be responsible for yourself and for any guests you bring to temple functions, online meetings and on behalf of any children for whom you are the parent or legal guardian to release, discharge, hold harmless, and forever acquit The Order of Eternal Light their sponsors, officers, agents, representatives and employees from any and all actions, causes of action, claims or any liabilities whatsoever, known or unknown now existing or which may arise in the future, on account of or in any way related to or arising out of my participation in temple events, programs, meetings, classes, rituals and functions. Furthermore, you assume all liability of any non-members, guests, or children who accompany the member.

7.3. Members are volunteers for all purposes, including unemployment insurance, workers compensation, taxes, FICA, Medicare, and are not considered employees of The Order of Eternal Light. As such, these organizations and their agents are not responsible for injury or death of any volunteer member or any volunteer accompanying a volunteer member which may occur while acting as a volunteer; or for payment of any salary, taxes, or benefits.

7.4. Members agree to reimburse The Order of Eternal Light for any damages they or their guests may cause to a meeting place or homes that meetings are held.

7.5. Members who are loaned keys to The Order of Eternal Light must sign a Key Release Agreement and adhere to the OEL bylaws.

7.6. By logging on to the chat room and by joining the Order of Eternal Light online will be assuming all risks associated with the use of the site, including the risk of your computer, software or data being damaged by any virus which might be transmitted or activated via the Order of Eternal Light site or your access to it.

7.7. By logging on to the chat room and by joining the Order of Eternal Light you will be deemed to have released and discharged The Order of Eternal Light from any and all liability that might arise from your use of our data, programs or materials contained in or linked to our website.

7.8. Although the Order of Eternal Light takes every care to provide links to suitable material from our website, it does not guarantee the suitability, safety, completeness or accuracy of any of the material to which this site may be linked. 



8. Commitment - All members of this temple must:

8.1. Be fully committed to their beliefs, their actions, and their lives.

8.2. Support one another within The Order of Eternal Light in our development, growth, and personal aspirations.

8.3. Respect other temple members, fellow pagans and members of other faiths around the world and local communities.

8.4. Be committed to actively participate in temple activities and events and help promote these activities to external audiences. 

8.5. Help support temple operation in whatever ways you are able whenever possible.

8.6. The Order of Eternal Light (OEL) Allows, through Inner Circle approval, use of certain medicinal herbal ingredients or spiritual amplification can be used for certain types of ritual, ceremony and specific types of training. Only the High Priest may declare when these substances may be used in ritual, ceremony and training.  It is against the OEL’s belief to force or entice any member to participate in these activities for any reason.  It is also understood, by all members, that if certain types of training require the use of certain substances and member declines the training requirements, that member is opting out of that rank/training.  Only the High Priest may make an exception for using a substance that is required for training of a rank.  However, if a member has a proven medical condition or allergy to that substance then that person may opt out of that training with or without approval of the High Priest, but the High Priest should still be notified.  This is because they are at high risks to their health that an alternate substance can be substituted.

8.6.1 Only the High Priest may make changes to required training based on a medical condition.

8.6.2. All medical conditions should be shared with either the High Priest and/or upon joining the OEL.

8.7. The OEL or it’s clergy does not wish to make decisions in a member’s personal life, however, if a member or clergy is caught selling an illegal substance that either negatively reflects the OEL or incapacitates them and/or prevents a member or clergy from performing their duties they will be required to meet with the Elders for disciplinary action.  If that individual wishes to appeal the Elders decision via the 1/3 vote, they must do so in writing, explaining why they feel the ruling is unjust, within 2 weeks of the Elder decision.  All information obtained will be given to all members and clergy for their decision of the 1/3 vote.

8.8. There are two categories in the OEL Library. Items that can be lent and items that can not be lent. Any item that is "lent" or "given" as coven use under, lent items, may be used by all coven members, however, it is up the borrower to to return the item within two weeks of it being lent to him or her and if there is a waiting list then it goes to the next person on the list but if there is no waiting list then the borrower may check out the item for another two weeks. Items that are classified as can not be lent will not leave OEL property.

8.8.1. If the borrower losses, damages or breaks the borrowed item then he/she is responsible for replacing it.







9.1. The High Priest: Chairs, the Order of Eternal Light and Executive Committee, oversee administrative operation of the Temple, coordinates teaching and outreach activities, provides member spiritual advisement as necessary. 

9.2. The High Priest: As the Home Temple, The first High Priest Leland Davis is to serve as the Chief Priest of The Order of Eternal Light and Elders oversee all public and private rituals, member assessment, and spiritual advisement, conduct research and provide resources for rituals, classes, and events.  This can be delegated out when necessary to the Elders.

9.3. The Spirit Elder provides day-to-day clerical and administrative Leadership to all the members of the OEL. When the High Priest is not available, the Spirit Elder assumes the primary responsibility for the temple, the Elders, the staff, the congregational members and works to resolve any issues that may arise. The Spirit Elder will also fulfill any other duties as set forth in Spirit Elder’s job description.

9.4. Spirit Elder Acting Administrator:  Manages all administrative, financial, legal, and functional aspects of temple operation holding the same respect and responsibility as the High Priest and may not be removed from office as Acting Administrator until the High Priest has returned to active duty or is available.

9.5. All Elder positions have a term limit of three years; fulfill various duties as set forth in their job description. Elders are responsible to help leading ritual by taking a point of each corner but also have individual tasks that may be delegated out to their Elder Assistant.

9.6. Spirit Elder- To be able to assist in any aspect of the OEL operation in the full capacity of the Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Scribe and/or Artificer Elders, including temporarily taking over The High Priest role or another Elder’s role in ritual if the Elder or Elder Assistant is also not available.  Should be able to envision and foresee, through saged eyes, the structural needs of the OEL.  Is responsible for critical thinking and problem solving with various aspects and issues the group may come across.  Is also responsible for delegating out to the other Elders task outlined by the High Priest; the other Elders may request the assistance of the Spirit Elder with any problems or task that may be required. All reports and or documents that are forwarded to the High Priest are forwarded to the Spirit Elder as well. The Spirit Elder can request the help of the other Elders to assist in OEL business or operation as well as from other positions such as Treasurer, Secretary, Reporter, Historian or other offices once positions are filled. The Historian reports to the Spirit Elder when we have enough members to allot such a position

9.7. Wind Elder- Is responsible for all legal concerns, vendors, public relations and community outreach and web-based gatherings. They are also often the liaison between other groups and the OEL. They are also responsible that all important paperwork that is including what needs to be filled out and filed properly and/or notarized. The Reporter reports to the Wind Elder when we have enough members to allot such a position

9.8. Fire Elder- Is responsible for the security and safety of the OEL in and out of ritual and at all OEL functions by always being aware of their surroundings natural or non-natural.  They are the security officer of the group to provide measures of outline plans to handle but not limited to external threats, fights,      and threats by OEL members, or any harm to all OEL members. He/She is responsible for any investigation(s) to any bylaw infringements and questionable actions that cast poor reflection on the OEL. In addition, he/she is to outline and draft security reports and report the concerns and resolution of conflicts between members to be given to the Inner Circle.

9.9. Water Elder- Is responsible for spiritually advising our members of the OEL and reporting any serious situations they can’t handle immediately to the High Priest or Spirit Elder.  They are not a mental health specialist only a spiritual adviser they may provide a perspective of spiritual guidance or individuals needs in crises. They are responsible acting as Secretary with documentation of meeting events. The Secretary reports to the Water Elder when we have enough members to allot such a position.

9.10. Earth Elder- Is responsible for fund raising functions and ideas and is acting Treasurer. They are also reasonable for making everything for ritual is on site and ready to go.  They are also responsible for considering what the group may need to restock or order  supplies and collecting cost of Classes as well as generating a financial report that is to the go High Priest and Spirit Elder this report is also made available to the inner Circle of Elders if something is running low or is needed.  The Treasurer reports to the Earth Elder when we have enough members to allot such a position.

9.11. Additional offices may exist within the group, at the discretion of the Order of Eternal Light’s High Priest. Such offices may include Elder Assistant/Vice Elder, Assistant or Associate Director, Psychic, Treasurer, Religious Education Coordinator, Membership Coordinator, Community Outreach Coordinator, Media Relations Specialist, Mentor, Faculty, Historian, Reporter, Secretary, Researcher, etc. 


10. Finances and Use of Temple Name 

10.1. There shall be no income received since The Order of Eternal Light is a religious organization. All members work on a volunteer basis and no reimbursement for time, internet costs or any other expenses incurred shall be reimbursed by the Order of Eternal Light, affiliates or members

10.2. The OEL Bank Account/Donation Account is set up under the premise that the High Priest will be the primary name on the account.  Additional names such as; the Earth Elder, Spirit Elder and/or Treasurer will be placed secondary in accord for allotment of their position.

10.3. Either the high Priest must sign off as the first signature to authorize any checks, withdraws, or changes to the OEL Bank account or Donation Account in addition to the Earth Elder or Treasurer to be signing off as second signature will be places secondary in accord for allotment of their position.

10.4. All financial statements are to be distributed and be accessible to The High Priest, Spirit Elder, Earth Elder, and Treasurer.

10.4. All financial statements are to be distributed and be accessible to The High Priest, Spirit Elder, Earth Elder, and Treasurer.

10.5. No member shall use the name of The Order of Eternal Light for the endorsement or sponsorship of any individual or any issue, event, or organization without the express approval of The High Priest. 



11.1. In the event there is any contradiction between these bylaws and the applicable laws of any state of the applicable laws of the Federal government, the applicable laws of that state or the Federal Government shall exempt these bylaws.

11.2. The Yahoo Group and Facebook have a terms and conditions policy in place, and we stride to uphold it. 



12.1 Courtesy and civility are often the biggest problems on mailing lists and other programs where individuals must exchange views. Remember that this is first, and foremost, a support and information resource. We are here to help each other not call names or make snide remarks. So-called "flame" messages or other acts of intolerance will not be permitted. If you are really upset about something that has been said then, "Sit on it" for a day or two. Then, if you still feel a need to "talk", reply privately - not to the full list or group. Try to never make an honest disagreement personal. They are controversial ideas because there is no absolute answer and we must respect both sides of an issue, as well as those who believe in one side or the other.

12.2 Off-topic and private conversations that are off topic conversations are inappropriate for members should be avoided, when in class or ritual. 

12.3 Controversial subjects such as politics, explicit sexual jokes, jokes with a religious theme, and other such controversial or potentially offensive subjects are always different among a large group of people. Therefore, these subjects should always be avoided when communicating within any of our groups, classes and chat room. This restriction includes the signature tag at the end of a message.

12.4 Privacy. The audience for our programs that require subscription is intended to be for subscribers to that program alone. Thus, posting content from this list to other sources violates this sense of trust and privacy.  Likewise, posting private messages from an individual or from another list to any of our lists without the specific permission of the author also violates our privacy policy. The key thing to consider is whether anyone's privacy has been compromised without their specific permission. 


13. Powers of the Clergy: 

13.1. The High Priest has the power to instate any member to any position without having to justify the action and without a vote or consulting the Elders.  If the Elders choose to remove the member that has been instated by majority vote then an automatic proceeding will take place via vote where the High Priest and get 1/3 of the vote, Elders get 1/3 of the vote and the members will get a 1/3 vote if the High priest and Elders can not agree.  

13.2. The High Priest has the power to start or state when a class will start and end without having to justify the action and without a vote or consulting the Elders but may seek their council unless they are utilizing their personal space of living. The High Priest does not need permission from any entity to decide when a class will start or end and is not subject via a vote to reject this right.

13.3. Under emergency situations, determined by the High Priest; when the Elders are not available, in whole, the High Priest may temporarily suspend a member’s membership until a vote can be performed by the Elders.  During this time the member may not attend any class, OEL events, workshops, etc.  The High Priest does not need permission from any entity to temporarily suspend a member’s membership and is not subject via a vote to reject this right.

13.3.1. The High Priest/Priestess has the right to give a Tardy when late for a class, give a Demerit when necessary and dismiss any member/Elder if bylaws were broken to warrant such actions.  The Elders have the right to force a 1/3 vote by majority vote.

13.4. The High Priest maintains the power to state where a class will take place unless they are utilizing a member’s personal space of living.  The High Priest does not need permission from any entity to take choose a location for class and is not subject via a vote to reject this right.

13.5. The High Priest has the power to take on up to three (3) personal students and it will not be considered a class but as apprentices and would give the students the same benefits as a class member as well as patches and awards that will be recognized by the OEL, unless the individual has been labeled a Warlock or has been banned from the OEL.  The High Priest may teach as many students as they wish if it is not related to the OEL such as Reiki, Alchemy, individual teaching, etc.  The High Priest does not need permission from any entity to take on an apprentice and is not subject via a vote to reject this right.

13.6. The Temple head, Chief Director and High Priest Leland Davis may make changes to this document at anytime and without prior notice and is not subject via a vote to reject this right but may ask the Elders for council.  This document, OEL bylaws, is legally binding in its own right to its contents at the Chief Director and High Priest Leland Davis interpretation of its written form.

13.7. The High Priest may choose to give any of his powers to any Elder(s).  The High Priest may also put a deadline or circumstances when these powers will end and return to the High Priest and is not subject via a vote to reject this right.

13.8 Temple Head, Chief Director and High Priest Leland Davis is the only individual who may dismiss or disband the organization known as The Order of Eternal Light (OEL).

13.8. The appointment to Elder is a three year term within the OEL and may resign if he/she sees fit with prior proper notice to The High Priest for a new Elder to replace an existing Elder for this reason or of a sever bylaws infraction or found unfit to fulfill their duties as Elder due to negligence of duty.  By majority vote, the Elders may remove any member of the Order of Eternal Light.  The Elders cannot remove the Temple Head, Chief Director, Founder and High Priest Leland Davis.  After the passing or retirement of High Priest Leland Davis RMT will be subject to a majority vote from the Elders the new High Priest or Priestess is to be elected from the current Elders.  If time is needed for this vote the Spirit Elder will serve this position until a vote can be made.

13.9. The Elders have the power to take on (1) student, each, and it will not be considered a class but as apprentices and would give the students the same benefits as a class member as well as patches and awards that will be recognized by the OEL but may only teach one rank below their own that they are trained in, unless the individual has been labeled a Warlock or has been banned from the OEL then they may not teach that individual.  The Elders may teach as many students as they wish if it is not related to the OEL teachings such as Reiki, Alchemy, individual teaching, etc.  The Elders do not need permission from any entity to take on an apprentice and is not subject via a vote to reject this right.  However, any Elder that is in violation of the bylaws in teaching their apprentice are subject to discontinue of teaching pending review by the High Priest and the other Elders in regard to the conduct of the Elder in violation as well as the apprentice’s actions.  It is required to give the High Priest notice of this and who they will be teaching. Any student that is taken in by an Elder as an apprentice is subject to all the bylaws of the OEL.

13.10. The Elders may propose to make changes to this document by majority vote but may not impose any limitations to the High Priest unless the High Priest agrees to the changes or loss of any power. 

13.11.  The Elders, by majority vote, may give a tardy, demerit(s), and remove a member/Elder but must site any and all bylaws broken.  These are but a few examples that the Elders may choose from for disciplinary actions.  Before a member or Elder is allowed to be voted on for removal the Elders must come up with an additional two reasonable solutions (which must be approved by the High Priest/Priestess.  If there are not at least three solutions on the table as stated in a previous bylaw the 1/3 vote is still an option to the High Priest, Elders and members when such a decision is made then the meeting may not take place.

13.12.  If there are no current members available and there is a tie between the Elders and High Priest vote then the High Priest has the power to call upon three outsiders, whom are neutral, and not related to the High Priest or Elders to settle the dispute via by the 1/3 vote rule.

13.13.  The High Priest/Priestess, Spirit Elder, at least 3+ Elders and/or at least 5+ members may call upon the Elders to review a situation but must allow at least two weeks for the Elders to get together unless it is unanimous decision among all Elders to meet sooner.  Any Elder(s) not present for a meeting may either send their Elder Assistant in their place or lose the option to have their vote heard and noted.  No one has to be physically present for a meeting as long as they are reachable by phone via speaker phone or is available via video chat during the time and date of the meeting.

13.13.1.  If an Elder has a problem with another Elder and doesn't want to address it to them directly or has done so and the requested change hasn't been met or that Elder gets hostile the Elder may either approach the High Priest/Priestess, Spirit Elder or ask 2+ Elder (3 Elders in total) or 5+ members to call an Elder meeting.

14. If a member/Elder does something that is questionable but is not covered by the bylaws and a bylaw is created in response to to something that is questionable then the member/Elder is exempt from past wrong doings since it wasn't in the bylaws before the action(s) was taken.

15. It is a requirement of all Elders, in the future, to help teach classes.  This rule will only take place once the High Priest/Priestess has four yearly classes and any additional classes will overwhelm him/her.  Volunteers will be considered first for teaching new students from among the Elders.  If no volunteers are presented the High/Priestess will assign who he/she thinks is most suitable, capable and ready to start teaching new members.  If an Elder has an Elder Assistant who is more adept to teaching he/she may ask their Elder Assistant to teach the class on their behalf but the Elder doing so must be present at the class for this exception to be made.


14. Master, Apprentice 1 & 2 and Priest/Priestess 

This applies to non-Inner Circle members:


14.1 A Master and PhD has the power to take on up to (1) student, each, and it will not be considered a class but as apprentices and would give the students the same benefits as a class member as well as patches and awards that will be recognized by the OEL but may only teach one rank below their own that they are trained in, unless the individual has been labeled a Warlock or has been banned from the OEL then they may not teach that individual. The Mastery level may teach as many students as they wish if it is not related to the OEL, such as Reiki, Alchemy, individual teaching, etc.  The Master level does not need permission from any entity to take on an apprentice and is not subject via a vote to reject this right.  But it is required to give the High Priest notice of this and who they will be teaching.

14.2 An Apprentice 1 & 2 and Priest has the power to take on up to one (1) student, each, and it will not be considered a class but as apprentices and would give the student the same benefits as a class member as well as patches and awards that will be recognized by the OEL but may only teach one rank below their own that they are trained in, unless the individual has been labeled a Warlock or has been banned from the OEL then they may not teach that individual.The Priest may teach as many students as they wish if it is not related to the OEL, such as Reiki, Alchemy, individual teaching, etc.  The Priest/Priestess does not need permission from any entity to take on an apprentice and is not subject via a vote to reject this right.  But it is required to give the High Priest notice of this and who they will be teaching.

14.3. Scribe Elder- Not Assigned Is responsible for writing and maintaining the official OEL Book of Shadows (BOS).  It is a requirement that all writing be done only in calligraphy.  The Scribe Elder also needs to be able to draw art for the OEL Book of Shadows. The Scribe Elder will also be in charge of any youth groups.14.4. Artificer Elder- Not Assigned Is responsible for making high quality magickal artifacts for the OEL such as but not limited to ritual items.  The Artificer Elder will also be in charge of the children groups.

14.4. 1. The Artificer and Scribe Elders must be different genders because it is a requirement of the Spiral Scouts to have a male and female leader to host and coordinate youth and children’s activities. 

Outer Circle Positions: 

14.5. Elder Assistant- Assists the Elder and selected by the Elders to be their apprentice and once trained by the individual Elder above them they will be able to act in the capacity of their element instructor.  The Elder Assistant may also vote or act in ritual on behalf of the Elder in council if the Elder is not available to attend and/or is unreachable in an emergency situation.

14.6. Secretary- Is responsible for keeping records and is responsible for role keeping and documenting important occurrences such as classes, events, rituals, etc. If the position for Secretary has not been filled or the Secretary is unavailable then the Water Elder will take up this post until either a Secretary has been chosen or returns.

14.7. Treasurer- is responsible for balancing the budget, keeping funds for group safe and considering ways to save and fund raising.  If the position for Treasurer has not been filled or the Treasurer is unavailable then the Earth Elder will take up this post until either a Treasurer has been chosen or returns.

14.8. Historian- the Historian is responsible for keeping the records of all OEL meetings, events, recordings, etc.

14.8. Reporter- is responsible for making the monthly newsletter by interviewing necessary people, taking pictures and looking up and including the horoscopes in the news articles. This is to keep everyone informed that subscribes to our newsletter. If the position for Reporter has not been filled or the Reporter is unavailable then the Wind Elder will take up this post until either a Reporter has been chosen or returns.

14.9. Security Detail- Consists up to three additional security officers are headed by the Fire Elder. These three members are to have the responsibility to ensure the safety of OEL members at events as well as to protect the OEL from External threats as well as to protect and uphold the Bylaws.  They also provide the Fire Elder with security concerns and reports on matters to be addressed by the Inner Circle.

14.10. Mastery, Apprentice 1 & 2 and Priest- This is simply a rank and is not an office.  A Master, Apprentice 1 & 2 and Priest should get their Marriage Certificate License so they can perform legal ceremonies, such as weddings, civil unions and funerals, when necessary.


15 Age Limitations of Offices/Requirements/Office Terms:

15.1. High Priest- 21 years old or older and must have the rank of Priest/Priestess with the intent of getting a PhD in Para-Anthropology 

15.2. Elder- 18 years old or older and must be the rank of Priest unless specified by the High Priest and must have the rank of Priest/Priestess and intend on getting the required PhD for that position.  The High Priest may make exceptions on the required rank when the member base it too low and the need for leadership is great.

15.3. Elder Assistant- 16 years old or older and must be the rank of Grand Metahysical unless specified by the High Priest. Is selected by the individual Elder and the only exception is if the person selected by the Elder is in violation of the bylaws to be eligible this is to be determined by the High Priest.

15.4 Secretary, Treasure, Historian, Reporter and Security Detail - 14 years old or older and must be the rank of Advanced Practioner unless specified by the High Priest.  These positions are voted on yearly.  They are headed by the Inner Circle of Elders.

15.5 Exceptions to rank and position can be changed and/or altered based OEL needs via the High Priest/Priestess decision.


16. The 1/3 Vote Rules/Other Information: 

The 1/3 vote is used either when there is a vote for an office or when a member, Elder or High Priest disagrees with a procedure.The members get 1/3 of the vote, the Elders get 1/3 of the vote and the High Priest get 1/3 of the vote.The members may only vote if there is a tie among the High Priest and Elders.If the High Priest disagree,To start the 1/3 vote for a new Elder to replace an existing Elder for a bylaws infraction or unfit to fulfill their duties as Elder. The High Priest must be seconded the 1/3 vote.A two week notice must be given before the 1/3 vote may take place and any member, Elder or High Priest not present will not get to vote.All information must be disclosed about the vote, time and location .  If this is not done then the vote is invalidated and the correct procedures will need to be followed.  Rugular members must be part of the voen and completed their Advanced Practioner studies one year and a day to joining the coven, to vote. 


No one may nominate themselves for any position to be held once there are enough members to allot expanded positions such as Secretary, Historian, Treasurer, Reporter and Security Detail.  The only way to be nominated is that either another, Elder or High Priest nominates an individual for a position Regular members must be part of the coven and complete their Advanced Practitioner Studies one year and a day to joining the coven to vote for these positions.


A member constitutes anyone that is not in either Elder or High Priest status and has completed their year and one day training to complete their Basic Practitioner Studies.If a beginner has not finished their year and one day training complete their Basic Practitioner Studies then they may not vote.


There is no Double Jeopardy!If a member is tried and found innocent then that case is officially closed and may not be revisited even if new evidence is presented later.Although Double Jeopardy may not take place, the information can be used by the Fire Elder as a risk assessment to determine if the member is following the same trends.From here, please refer back to bylaws 5.12 and 14.1.2 if the OEL feels a member is not a good fit.


Since the rules might change by either the High Priest or a vote by the Elders by majority rules then unless there is a split then the 1/3 rule is invoked it is the responsibility of the members to make sure they have the most recent copy of the rules to vote by.These rules will be posted publicly on Facebook and in the Yahoo Club which will send an automatic e-mail notifying there was a new document added.Ignorance of the bylaws is no excuse to break them and members and clergy Elders are bound by them.


17. Ritual Rules and Etiquette 

17.1 There should be no sidebar talking or playing no electronic devices cell phones use at any time during the meetings or ritual.  Everyone should be concentrating on the ritual itself to help raise energy.  A member will get only one (1) warning from the High Priest before being asked to leave the ritual/circle.

17.1.2 When leaving ritual space, while ritual is going on, they must approach either the Fire or Wind Elder to allow an opening in the circle so they may leave.  This includes emergencies, using the bathroom, being asked to leave, etc.

17.1.3 If a member refuses to leave the circle, when asked by either the High Priest, they will be personally escorted out of the circle by the Fire Elder and later the Elders will meet for disciplinary actions based on majority vote.

17.2 When returning to the ritual/circle the member must approach either the Fire or Wind Elder to gain entry back into the circle. Once in the circle they must walk, once, around the entire circle, (dossal, clockwise before sitting down. This also applies if a member/Elder ever moves from where they are sitting/standing for the duration of the ritual.

17.3 Everyone is asked to participate, to the best of their ability, with the ritual which may include pagan songs and activities during ritual. Refusing not to participate when it is required is not an option and if the member still refuses may be asked by the High Priest to leave the circle/ritual for non-participation. Participation is required to be a member of the OEL.  Any member with a handicap and is unable to participate is exempt from this rule and will be determined by the High Priest. (Ex: not being able to carry a note or sing is not considered a disability.  Someone who has developed laryngitis would, however, be considered to be exempt from singing or speaking but would still need to participate in other activities.) 


18. Ex Coven Members (This is only a verification of previous bylaws no a change.)

18.1.  All bylaws never expire and apply to members, Elders and Elder Assistants even upon leaving the OEL.  The main bylaws that effect ex members are 5.10 and 6.2-6.5.

18.1.1. Talking about OEL business, operations, issues, complainants, etc is strictly prohibited outside the OEL by members, Elders, Elder Assistants or ex members.

18.1.2. The OEL will seek legal assistance if we are being targeted, slandered or harassed.

18.2. If an ex member violates any bylaw then he/she may be labeled a Warlock, a betrayer of their coven, which will be voted on the Elders via majority vote.  The Ex Coven Member has the right to appeal this decision by writing to the High Priest/Priestess and ask for a review and reconsideration for a 1/3 vote rule.

18.3. Warlocks will be listed on our website for betraying the OEL.  A Warlock is not a "male witch" a male witch is still a witch and actually is a person who has betrayed their coven.

18.4. Details of why an ex member is labeled a Warlock will be made available to any other High Priest or High Priestess of another coven or organization if requested in writing. Information that could be shared is witness testimony, recorded conversations, text messages, voicemails and social media messages and/or posts.


19. Initiation Process

19.1.  The Initiation Process is simple, all you must do is make a loyalty speech of how you will remain loyal to the OEL, follow the bylaws and keep drama to a minimum.

19.1.1.  If a member or clergy member leaves the coven we will need a letter of resignation and an exit interview.  Please allow up to two weeks for the resignation letter to be approved and for a meeting to be setup with the Elders and High Priest for an exit interview.  The resignation letter must be signed and dated.  The letter may be typed or hand written.

19.1.2. The OEL would like a copy of what you will say when you give your verbal commitment to the OEL, in your words at the time of your initiation to keep on record so we ask you write out what you'll be saying.


20. Demerits and Rewards 

20.1.  It is expected, for all members, to follow the rules of the OEL and if you are part of the live classes there is a Demerits and Rewards Program.ツA demerit is a punishment for breaking a rule.  This is how the demerits work:  


3 Tardy=1 Demerit.  A tardy accrues when you when you are under 15 mins late for class.  At the 15 minute mark you are tardy.  Class will always start on time any thing you missed must be made up during your 1 hour lunch break.


If you are 30 minutes or more late then you will receive a Demerit unless you have a good enough reason.


One Demerit is given if you do not show up to class unless you have notified the High Priest within 3 days prior to class and rescheduled a make-up day, unless, it is an emergency and we prefer that we are notified as soon as possible, preferably within 24 hours of the accident after it occurs.  Also, if you break a rule you may also be given a Demerit, and this will be determined by the Elders by majority vote. If multiple rules are breaking then multiple Demerits may be given based on majority vote of the Elders. This may be disputed by the 1/3 vote rule.


3 Demerits=Non completion of the class.  It is up to the High Priest if you may continue the classes once you have received 3 Demerits.  You may not be able to earn your patch and/or Certificate for that class even if you finish it when you have 3 Demerits.The OEL reserves the right to also dismiss a member from class once they have 3 Demerits. If you have 1 or 2 Demerits, you may be given the opportunity to have 1 of these removed but it is decided by the High Priest on what that individual must do to remove a demerit.  But since we believe that everyone should take responsibility for their own learning this may not be offered, and you may need to ask to remove one Demerit if not offered.  The Elders will get to put their input in for what should be done but this will be decided by the High Priest.

20.2 There are many rewards to be earned for doing the right thing.  The OEL has raffles for it's students to encourage good behavior and attendance which includes:

*Show up on time for class to get a raffle ticket

*Answer a question in class correctly to get a raffle ticket

*Pass a test/quiz with 90 or higher to get a raffle ticket

*Complete assigned homework to get a raffle ticket

*For every $5 donated you will get a raffle ticket

*Read an extra credit book and pass the test with 80 or higher an earn 10 raffle tickets, 3 tardy passes, 1 demerit pass and 1 Golden Ticket Raffle.

*If you go the entire year without a single demerit or tardy then you will earn a Golden Ticket Raffle.  You'll be eligible for a special raffle with a grand prize of the year.  Having a demerit or tardy pass will not earn you this special privilege.

20.2.1 At the end of each class a raffle ticket will be drawn and a prize will be given away, which will be known to the entire class before the raffle.  You must be present to win!  It is the responsibility of each person to keep up with their raffle ticket because replacements will not be given out.

20.3 Member's get 20% off, Elder Assistants get 30% off and Elders get 40% off their purchases made through our vendor for supplies.

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