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Our services include but are not limited to:  Monthly Classes, Weekly Intender Circle, Holiday Celebrations of the Sabbaths/Esbats, Weddings, Funerals, Wiccanings and Spiral Scouts.
Monthly Classes


We are currently accepting new members into The Order of Eternal Light (OEL) and will start classes when we have five dedicated people join.  The first class has no charge but all monthly classes thereafter will have a membership due of $20 per month.  We do not believe in charging a 10% tithe of your total income or sending out collection plates during services.  We find this to be a financial burder and a major distraction.  Instead we ask each member to pay a membership due of $30 but we do accept donations and gifts, click here to donate.  The money that is collected will go towards meeting the financial needs of the coven which will cover the costs of supplies, learning/teaching materials and to cover building costs when needed.  We also offer yearly and bi-yearly discounts, click here for deals on classes.


Reverend High Priest Leland Davis R.M.T. is an ordained minister through the American Marriage Ministries (AMM) and would be happy to help you celebrate your big occation.

Weekly Intender Circle


Starting Soon, we will be offering Intender Meetings every Wednesday from 6pm-8pm.


What is an Intender Meeting?  We meet to send out our energy to the highest good of ourseleves, each other, our community and the world.  It's where a group of like minded people come together, to collectively focus, to lend their energy to bring possitive change into their lives, those in the meeting and the world around us.  If you would like ot host one of these please let me know ASAP!!!


There is no charge for attending an Intender Cricle but we do accept donations and gifts.


Are you looking for an ordained priest to preside over your newborn's Wiccaning?  Look no further.

The Holidays


We celebrate the 8 Sabbaths which include:  Samhain, Yule, Beltane and Midsummer (Litha), Imbolc, Ostara, Lughnasadh and Mabon


On occation we will also celebrate the Full Moon in recognition of The Lady, our goddess.  However, we feel this is more of a personal time for everyone to celebete deity in their own way and we will be mainly focusing on major events such Solar Eclipes, Lunar Eclipes, Big Moons, Blood Moons and Black Moons.


Saying goodbye to your loved ones can be extremely diffifcult.  What can be more difficult is having to sit through a funeral that doesn't share your beliefs or the beliefs of your loved one.  Don't let this happen to you.

Spiral Scouts

The Spiral Scouts is like combing Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts into a single group.  All ages are welcome to attend and boys and girls are taught together.  The older children get to practice their leadership skills while being a mentor to the younger children.  Unlike the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, the Spiral Scouts are not devoted to any specific religion but instead teaches all faiths, customs and cultures.  We are planning on starting a Spiral Scouts chapter in 2018 but have not decided on an exact day as of yet.  Please visit the Spiral Scouts home page at for additional information about what the Spiral Scouts are all about.

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